Tuesday, August 24, 2010

About and History of MP Designs

****~About MP Designs~****
MP Designs is a small collection of lazily creative minds here to bring you custom made Animations, prim eyes, avatar enhancements and the occasional furniture piece of the strange and eccentric.

We do take custom requests on most the items within as well as custom modifications on items already in the store.  You have a request to present the team? Contact us on this blog, or send a notecard to Azrael Welesa in Second Life.

****~The History of MP Designs~****
MP Designs was originally called Eccentricities by Azzy and has been around roughly since the latter half of 2005.  Through several location changes and look overhauls the store's had its ups and downs.

With the most recent change, it was decided by the store owner and his partners that a name change was in order as now not everything is "by Azzy".  The simplest change was the choice accepted.  The store was renamed the name of the land it is now on, Mori's Pants.

Q. Why did you name a land parcel Mori's Pants?

A. All the creative team of MP Designs met and frequently chatter away in store group called FallnAngel Creations. Both store owners not only share the same first name but several years of deep friendship. Several years back in that chat, a running joke started that still appears in the chat today.  This is the subject of Mori's Pants and that everything and everyone lives and comes out of his pants. 

As an ode to that initial friendship, the creators all decided to keep the land parcel named Mori's Pants, and when the store Eccentricities came into their home, it to as tribute, changed its name.

So there you have it.  We all live in Mori's pants.  We all work in Mori's Pants.  We welcome you to shop and enjoy the stranger than normal humor.. of Mori's Pants too!

<3 'Ze' Staff of Mori's Pants

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